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Apolo Adri y ViciousMen and Apolo Adri y ViciousMen #2 are very hot RFC bangs. 🔥 Love Sex in It Louvre with Pablo Bravo. Nice outdoor scene. Absolutely amazing in all Squad Game episodes. Very recommendable. 🔥 I especially like scene 1 and 5. Vicious is a perfect bottom in both scenes. Soccer Teams, Score Goals! is absolutely awesome. World Ass Champion is one of the best gangbang scenes I ever saw. So satisfying and so fuckin manly. You can smell the testosterone. Ahhhhh! He got fucked by so many superhot guys. Wow! Of course Porn Tourism Outdoor in Barcelona with Apolo was great again. Dreamteam. Also hot with Valdemar Santana. Very good work for RFC. Outstanding smokin hot porn actor. Sexy af. Very masculine. Great body. Perfect big plowable ass. The macho guy of our dreams. I want to fuck him in the butt! 10/10 🔥🐷💗😈